
Sunday, September 23, 2012

Successful SDAIE Strategy

What is SDAIE? SDAIE is the acronym for Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English.  The SDAIE method is used to teach various subjects including social studies and science to English Language Learners with intermediate fluency.  It provides scaffolded instruction to support an ELLs understanding of the content.  Some of the SDAIE strategies include:

Modeling - The teacher provides an example either through direct experience or providing the student with an example of a finished product.

Reading Out Loud - using proper pronunciation and voice inflection. 

Bridging - Making a personal connection between the previous knowledge of the learner and the new content.  

Think-Pair-Share - Students are asked a question or asked to consider an idea then they write their answers on paper.  Then they are asked to turn to a neighbor and share their responses orally.

Quick writes - Students respond quickly to a question with emphasis on getting their thoughts and ideas down within a certain time frame.

Brain Storming - Students work in groups and are given a topic.  Everyone contributes their own ideas about the topic.  A recorder writes the contributions down on paper, under the condition that all ideas count and everything is recorded.  New ideas are built on former ideas.

Graphic Organizers - Charts, graphs, and diagrams encourages the student to see information organized in context of related information rather than isolated facts. Some examples are word maps, venn diagrams, KWL charts, flow charts, graphs, and schedules.

Jigsaw - Teams of 3-4 students are given a reading assignment.  Each team member is assigned a part to read, take notes, and prepares a presentation.  Each member shares their portion with the other team members.

Reflections - Students reflect on what was learned or experienced, making connections to other ideas.  Students can also assess their own learning and talk about what they would do differently next time.

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